Monday, December 29, 2008

The zeitgeist movement

I just watched this documentary last night, the best one since the long "Loose change" film on 9/11. It illustrates how the monetary system is outdated and even cumbersome today. It also advocates how humanity can work together towards building a sustainable future for everyone.
What's really interesting is how it clearly depicts capitalism and the monetary system, pointing out that the US' debt-based economy is approaching its theoretical limit; an assertion that is emphasized by the current global economic meltdown (the documentary was made prior to this). 
You can watch the original film and its follow-up (embedded below) at the official website for free by clicking here.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

De retour !

Ouh la, mais qu'est-ce qu'il fait frette dans ce pays ! Je suis revenu au Quebec mardi matin vers les 0:15 apres un bon 22h sur 4 avions (37 si on compte les aeroports et le traffic sur la 20). Si personne etait au courrant de ce retour festif precoce, c'est que je voulait surprendre Celine lors de sa soutenance. 

Je sors maintenant avec une docteure, ca fait un peu intimidant... Sa soutenance c'est tres bien passee, malgre que le voyage Mtl-Qc en 5h30 m'a empeche de voir sa presentation. Elle a domine les questions !

Mon depart de Brisbane fut un peu derniere minute, j'ai du faire visiter la ville a Nadine et Jay qui etaient de passage. On s'est bien ammuses! 
We went to the beach on saturday, then to the LonePine Koala sanctuary on Sunday morning, and the beach again Sunday pm. We accidently stumbled upon the Maroochydore fish market on the way back Saturday, picked up a nice fillet of Barramundi and some fresh tiger prawns. DELICIOUS !

To our surprise, all the koalas were dead!! Turns out these cuties are lazier than me on a hangover! The eukalyptus they eat is in fact toxic so they spend most of the day digesting. 

Not very exciting but fun to look at. 
By the way, my PICASA PHOTO GALLERY can be viewed by clicking on the image in the top right of this page. I will add some more pics shortly.

The kangaroos were a little more fun to play with, they let you come up and touch them and all! They also had a collection of other animals like wallabies, wombats, cockatoos, cockatiels, kookaburras, reptiles (including the most venomous snake in the world). All in all, a good 21$ visit!

Saturday, December 6, 2008


Sorry I haven't posted anything recently.
I will have internet at home sometime this week.

Recent news:
- New used car !
- Paper rejected but reconsidered after complaint to editor.
- Damn it's getting hot here !