Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Week 1

Oh yea, the El Camino! Or YEUTS as they call em here... It appears that this type of car is quite popular in Brisbane. Anyhow, I've been staying at a labmate's house for the pat few days, its a really cool place. The housemates are somewhat younger Uni students, but everyone is super friendly. I've found a small place to stay between the city and the Uni. The appartment is a 2 bdrm unit shared with a pharmacy student named Andrew. He seems like a cool kid, and the appartment is modest yet clean and modern.

Yesterday was my first day at the lab. The institute is HUGE ! Everything is top-notch and modern. I had a 2.5 hour induction, it appears that Australian labs are much more regulated, organized, and meticulous than canadian ones. Got to meet 90% of my colleagues (although my supervisor is in Europe for 3 months) and they seem very cool (at least WAY cooler than my previous lab colleagues.... BUUUURN!!! ).

The city-cat (i.e. the river ferry) freaking rocks ! two 600 hp engines that run at 450 hp power the boats so they are quite fast. Gets you pretty much everywhere.

I have to get going, but I will try to post some pictures taken with my new camera shortly.
I also have a cell phone (finally). Feel free to call me with skype or YAK :
011 61 411 068 339 (corrected)

Cheers !

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